Rotary Minutes 09.12.24
P. Tara L. called the meeting to order at 1210 pm. Bruce “Pipes” Teague, accompanied by Devyn VanH, led us in two rounds of “You Are My Sunshine”.
Save-the-dates for 9/28/24, the annual Baby Supply Drive., and tree planting at Iowa Kickers Park (9/29). See the website to sign-up for a shift or added details.
OTHER Announcements:
Literary Champions Toast, 9/19, 5:30-7:30pm at the home of the Roberts, 50 Marietta Drive. Pre-reg not required, $25 each, at the door. (LaDonna Wicklund)
Dine at the Elks, 10/2, 5-8pm, supper club fare and 15% of your check benefits RYLA/WAS. (Aaron Bontrager)