Iowa City Noon Rotary

Our Meeting was called to order by President Margaret Reese
Singing: Led by Rtn. Aaron Schaefer with accompaniment by Rtn. Devin van Holsteijn and sang “Happy Birthday”
President Margaret Reese reminded the Club that dues notices have gone out, with a mailing going out after today’s meeting to those whose dues have not yet been received. Please have these paid by June 30th, as we are invoiced by Rotary International on July 1st. Membership will be terminated on June 30th if payment is not received.
Rtn. Tara Minetos demonstrated how easy it is to apply glitter tattoos, with help from Rtn. Brianna Wills. Rtn. Patty McCarthy also announced that more volunteers are needed to march in the Pride Parade and work in the glitter tattoo booth. Please sign yourself, family, and friend up at:
Rtn. Brad Baldes thanked the Club for our continued support of the Ronald McDonald House Golf Outing. The weather cooperated and more than $1 million has been raised to support the House in the event’s 20-year history.
Rtn. Devin van Holsteijn introduced today’s speaker, Rod Lehnertz, Senior Vice President of Finance and Operations for the University of Iowa. We learned that Rod is a man of many talents.
Rod presented on the Campus Master Plan Update, the major themes of which are right-sizing and modernizing. Many buildings in the older part of campus are original and have never been updated. Tippie is the only building on campus that is expanding and in need of more space. The University has the right to purchase the remaining space in Old Capital Mall in the coming years. Several building projects are being funded entirely by gifting including space for wrestling, filed hockey, baseball, and softball.
The UI Hospital is over 5,000,000 square feet and still in need of more space – it is the most populated square mile in Iowa and is at 100% capacity 100% of the time. The North Liberty hospital is on schedule and on time and will open in Summer of 2025. While it will be mostly an orthopedic center, it will have a fully functioning emergency room. The old Mercy hospital campus has been rebranded as the UIHC Downtown campus where the goal is to maintain the community culture.
The meeting ended at 1:05pm with President Margaret Reese leading the assembly in reciting The Four Way Test.
Visiting Rotarians: Mark Ruggeberg (Iowa City Downtown); Laura Skogman (Des Moines AM); Casey Cook (Iowa City AM)
Guests: Deborah Hays (Patty Roberts); Richard Ney (Brianna Wills); Garry Patricio (Brianna Wills); Stan Wolken (Steve Wolken); Ann Carstensen (Brent Carstensen)
Program: Devin van Holsteijn; Attendance: Nancy Droll
Please forward any newsworthy items and/or photos to Janice Baldes to include in the weekly slide decks emailed to members prior to each meeting and shown just before Rotary meetings at the Club. You can send information to: Janice Baldes
For questions related to Club administration, please contact us at