Iowa City Noon Rotary

Rotary Minutes 11.17.22
Watch today's meeting here:
Our Meeting was called to order by President Ryan Bell
America the Beautiful and Smile! were sung by Rtn. Bruce Teague with Rtn. Devin van Holsteijn on the mandolin
President Ryan Bell announced that there will not be a meeting next week, so please consider attending the Coralville/North Corridor Club’s meeting. Please email Ryan to RSVP if you plan to attend.
Rtn. Heather Croskrey challenged the Club to raise another $400 so that we can send 8 students from each area school to WAS.
Rtn. Steve Schomberg announced that Saturday’s litter cleanup has been cancelled due to the snow and subfreezing temperatures.
Rtn. Brad Baldes announced that the Ronald McDonald House Golf Outing committee is seeking new members. The committee will reach is $1 million funds raised this year!
Rtn. LaDonna Wicklund announced that the 2,000 I Can Read song books (ordered in May) have finally arrived! She will get them sorted and request help with delivery soon.
Rtn. John Culshaw announced today’s speaker, Dr. Liz Tovar. She started in her role as the University of Iowa as the Executive Officer and Associate Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Summer of 2020. She also serves as the Senior Associate Athletic Director for Student-Athlete Academic Services.
Her presentation topic was around embracing a disruptive mindset. She joined Iowa from Kansas about 10 years ago because of the people, partnerships, and the community. DEI has reached a point of momentum after the unrest of the global pandemic and social unrest. Dr. Tovar is also very excited about the role of Rotary and the organization’s commitment to diversity. Rotary has taken on the work to understand the barriers to membership, participation, and leadership.
Three core principals of DEI are (1) creating a culture that everyone wants to be a part of, (2) Diversity is not a zero-sum game, it’s about sharing resources, and (3) and the recognition of differences is as important of finding commonality on some areas where everyone can agree.
Disruption isn’t about change. Embracing a disruptive mindset: challenging our values, our thoughts, and our beliefs. The world is changing all around us and we need to change with it. To grow, we must unlearn what we’ve learned, change our instincts and assumptions, disrupt our processes (how and why we do things), and undo our divisiveness by focusing on finding common ground to do good.
The meeting ended at 1:00 PM with President Ryan Bell leading the Club in the Four Way Test
Visiting Rotarians: Mark Ruggeberg (IC Downtown)
Guests: Nate Berkhoudt (Ryan Bell); Rosendo Martinez; Marc Hall (LaDonna Wicklund); Marianne Casas (Sarah Richardson); Jim Jackson (Heather Croskrey); Darcy Rich (Alissa Brandt Jarrett); Sonia Ettinger (Ronald Ettinger); Clark McGuire (Tom Davies)
Program: Devin van Holsteijn; Attendance: Nancy Droll
Please forward any newsworthy items and/or photos to Janice Baldes to include in the weekly slide decks emailed to members prior to each meeting and shown just before Rotary meetings at the Club. You can send information to: Janice Baldes
For questions related to Club administration, please contact us at