Iowa City Noon Rotary

IC Noon Rotary 5.9.24

Our Meeting was called to order by President Margaret Reese
The attendees sang “Smile!”led by Rtn. Ray Muston with Rtn. Devin van
Holsteijn on keyboard.
Margaret reminded folks to get their dues form filled out and mailed. We now have the option to pay  by check or set up auto-deduction from your checking account quarterly and include your Rotary Foundation donation. She also congratulated Tara Minetos on being selected as a Corridor Woman of Influence for 2024!
Barb Thomas-Next week immediately after Rotary, Barb will host a Public Relations Committee meeting. She is seeking new members to help with social media posts, etc.
Brad Baldes-The golf fundraiser is well underway, and more teams are needed for the Monday, June 3 Ronald McDonald House fundraiser.
Linda Farkas-Linda reminded us that we send around 32 students to the Rotary International Youth World Affairs Conference, which is in Wisconsin this year.  Peter Gerlach is head of the Iowa City Foreign Relations Council and a guest lecturer at the University of Iowa. The conference will be joined by the Rotary International President-Elect.
Jim Merchant-The Rotary Heart Safe Campaign needs donors and volunteers. While Jim was in front of the group, he was recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow.
The Englert Theatre, presented by Brian Johannesen, Programing Director and Paige Sanek, Senior Director of Development. Now celebrating 20 years! Paige went through some of the Englert’s history from a fire in 1926 to the most recent renovation began in 2001 with an opening held in 2004. The Mission is to inspire and activate positive community growth through the arts. The Vision is to build and sustain a thriving arts-centered community. Brian spoke about community outreach, and all the strategies they deploy to grow programming, expand education and improve the patron and donor experience. They plan to continue to increase the scope of the theatre while providing a more diverse calendar and access to the arts. Their Essential Elements include Englert Presents, Literary Programming, Rental and Community Engagement and Education. They are very excited about their Arts Administration Internship program, Nonfiction Writing Fellowship, Artist Engagements and K-8 Student Experiences. Current and upcoming work includes expanded marketing and branding, including a new website. They are working on new festival experiences and also plan to be as creative as possible. Keb Mo is coming this Summer along with many others. The Englert is hosting the Northside Music Series and also partnering with the North Liberty Blues & Barbeque event July 13 with The White Buffalo as headliner. Remember to take a look at the Mission Creek Festival lineup, which is going to be great. When asked if they ever take a break, they shared they plan to towards the end of July.
Program: Devin van Holsteijn Visiting Rotarians: Mark Hall, Downtown Cedar Rapids Guests: Brian Johannesen, Devn van Holsteijn; Jordan Pahl, guest of Marc Hall and Mike McKay, guest of Ryan Bell.
The meeting ended at 12:50 pm with President Margaret Reese leading the assembly in reciting The Four Way Test.
Please forward any newsworthy items and/or photos to Janice Baldes to include in the weekly slide decks emailed to members prior to each meeting and shown just before Rotary meetings at the Club. You can send information to: Janice Baldes