Minutes - IC Noon Meetings
Our Meeting was called to order by President Margaret Reese
Singing: Led by Rtn. Aaron Schaefer on guitar.
President Margaret Reese held a moment of silence for long-time Rotarian Dorothy Paul who passed on June 7. Dorothy was a well known activist and leader. We are all encouraged to read her obituary and reflect on her amazing accomplishments.
Dues reminders have gone out to those whose dues have not yet been received. Please have these paid by June 30th, as we are invoiced by Rotary International on July 1st. Please contact Margaret or a member of the board if you need help with dues.
Rtn. Bill Dickinson announced that more volunteers are needed to march in the Pride Parade and work in the glitter tattoo booth. Please sign yourself, family, and friend up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0B4AA8AD28A6F94-49778184-pridefest#/
Rtn. Margaret Reese introduced today’s speaker,
Program was presented by Sarah Thompson who is with Greater Iowa City, Inc. and Rural Development, speaking specifically on Agri-culture development. After working as an editor for a while, Sarah got involved with rural development, including Main Street in Lansing, Iowa, along with other adventures. In 2022, Sara became the Director of Rural Development with Greater Iowa City. The
“greater” group’s goals are to integrate services, advocate for economic resiliency and develop one “super-structure” to accomplish strategic goals. Sarah is directing the Rural Development program, so she updated the group.
“greater” group’s goals are to integrate services, advocate for economic resiliency and develop one “super-structure” to accomplish strategic goals. Sarah is directing the Rural Development program, so she updated the group.
Highlights from Lone Tree, Swisher, Hills, Solon and Oxford. Projects include beautification, a new lavender farm in Oxford, new comprehensive plans and downtown murals in Lone Tree. There are lots of exciting efforts both in the planning phase and underway.
A new brand has been developed that is colorful and exciting, Agri-Culture Iowa with a byline of “Johnson County Farms, Food & Fun. The new logo and branding will be launched at the Johnson Co. Fair in late July with a “wooden nickel” campaign.
Sarah is always looking for new groups that want to start programs or efforts on just about any topic that ties to rural development. She shared stories on a few of our local farm-related operations, including Wilson Orchard, the lavender farm outside of Oxford named Calyx Street, Cedar Ridge and Walker Homestead. Another great success story in Johnson County (also bordering Iowa County) is Kalona Super Natural with milk and other dairy products.
A field day is planned for August, so if you are interested check-out their website or contact Sarah.
You can reach Sarah at sarah@greateriowacity.com and her cell is 319-519-6206
The meeting ended at 1:05pm with President Margaret Reese leading the assembly in reciting The Four Way Test.
Guests of Rotarians: Tely Puente hosted by Rtn. Tita Coffan; Stephanie Getting guest of Rtn. Aaron Schaefer
Please forward any newsworthy items and/or photos to Janice Baldes to include in the weekly slide decks emailed to members prior to each meeting and shown just before Rotary meetings at the Club. You can send information to: Janice Baldes janicebaldes@gmail.com
For questions related to Club administration, please contact us at secretary@iowacitynoonrotary.org.