Iowa City Noon Rotary

100+ Women/100+ Men Who Care: Hawkeye Chapters
Vanessa McDonald and Leighton Smith, founders and chairs of the 100+ Women/Men Who Care, spoke about the program which was started in Michigan in 2006. They are a group of 250 men and 250 women who meet quarterly and make a commitment to donate a total of $400 per member per year to various local 501(C)3 organizations. At each of the 4 meetings, three names are drawn from those in attendance, and those three individuals have 3 minutes to present why a particular group is deserving of the group's donation. Members vote on the three presentations and the winner receives that quarterly donation of $25,000. Iowa City Hospice, Pathways, Table to Table and HACAP have all been recipients to date. There are approximately 200 clubs worldwide, and with a goal to increase the number of clubs by 100. The local clubs would like to increase their memberships to 500.
March 12 -- Distinguished Young Women – Marsha Grady
March 19 – New Hospice Association
March 26 -- Faith Academy - Jeff Disterhoft
April 16-18 – Rotary District 6000 100th Conferences: Celebrating Youth
June 8 – Ronald McDonald House Golf Outing
Nov. 5 – Noon Rotary Centennial Celebration at the Iowa Memorial Union
Singing:  Bob Crane and Jim Conard on the piano led the singing of America the Beautiful and Smile.
  • Rotarian Dick McKeen is still hospitalized; cards and good well wishes welcome.
  • Mike Messier, AM Club and co-chair of the district conference, invited everyone to attend the conference which will be held April 16-18 at the Coralville Marriott. The conference will kick off Thursday night with a cocktail party at the historical society's car museum across the street from the hotel. Friday morning, ICCSD Superintendent Steve Murley and other former school superintendents will lead discussions on poverty in schools and the affect on education. Bob Bowlsby will be the noon luncheon speaker, and Friday evening local hosts will provide home hospitality dinners. Saturday noon will feature former Ambassadorial Scholar Priyanka Rao, and Aaron Thomas, teacher, coach, and public speaker, will be featured at the closing dinner Saturday evening. Registrations are available online on the district web site
  • Applications are now available for two $2,500 Outbound Rotary Scholarships to be awarded for the 2015-2016 academic year.  (An additional stipend may be awarded from the Allin Dakin fund if the scholarship recipient is a student at the University of Iowa.)  Applicants must be a Johnson County high school graduate, at least a sophomore in college, and have at least one parent whose legal residence is within the area served by the IC Noon Rotary Club. Children/grandchildren/relatives of Rotarians are eligible.  Applications must be submitted by 4/15/15 and interviews will be conducted in late April. Applications and additional information may be obtained at or by contacting Gene Wandling (319-351-1776 Ext 301). Email:

Goat Rider: Sarah Richardson shared her international life experiences with the club starting with her early years in Japan and career experiences from Paris to Moscow and back.

Rotary Make Ups
Herb Wilson and Jody Braverman (D6000 Grant Management Seminar/West Liberty); Tim Walch, John Culshaw, Linda Farkas, Gary Pacha, John Fraser, Maggie Elliott, Pat Heiden, Mary Jane Beach, Ann Parker (Centennial Committee)
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Kelley Drowne introduced visiting Rotarian Mike Messier (IC AM) and guests Parul Mahajan (Bruce Kout), Erica Hach (Curt Heideman), Gloria Wenman (Verne Folkmann), Patty McCarthy (Susan Craig and Linda Farkas), Mary Ellen Lewis (Usha Balakrishnan), and Jeff Dancer (Brenda LaMarche).
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; Greeters: Mar. 12 – Tony Weiler and Scott Wilson, Mar. 19 – Nancy Kohl and Paul Pressler, Mar. 26 – Brenda LaMarche and David Davis, April 2 - Rod Lehnertz and Barbara Thomas, April 9 -- John Fraser and Anna Moyers Stone, April 16 -- Tom Markus and Aaron Schaefer, April 23 -- Mark Nolte and Kristin Reynolds, April 30 -- Russ Schmeiser and Chuck Traw