Iowa City Noon Rotary

RAGBRAI is coming
Josh Schamberger and Kelly Hayworth shared details about the Coralville stop on this year’s RAGBRAI bike ride before turning the program over to RABGRAI director T. J. Juskiewicz. They shared that this will be the fifth time Coralville has hosted an overnight stop, with 1995 being the first. That means 20,000 people will be here on Friday, July 24. They hope to have 500 volunteers, as well as several people willing to host riders at their homes. Visit for more information. Juskiewicz then shared some history and details of this year’s ride. The ride began in 1973 with 144 riders, and this will be the 43rd year. RAGBRA is the oldest, longest and largest recreational bicycle tour in the world.  When the ride stops in our area, it will include a ride past Kinnick Stadium before riders stop in the Iowa River Landing area for events and S.T. Morrison Park to camp. On Saturday, July 25, they will roll through downtown Iowa City for breakfast before heading to West Liberty and on to Davenport for the end of the ride.
June 8 – Ronald McDonald House Golf Outing
Nov. 5 – Noon Rotary Centennial Celebration at the Iowa Memorial Union
Singing:  Wayne Neuzil with Jim Conard on the piano led the singing of America the Beautiful.
  • Thais Winkleblack, filling in for President Bruce, shared announcements. The Salvation Army will hold a volunteer meeting at 10:45 a.m. on Thursday, June 18, at the University Club.
  • There was a moment of silence for the father of member Mary Jean Beach, Alsey C. Parker Jr., who passed away in Jacksonville, Florida.
  • Herb Wilson is in Mercy Hospital after surgery. Members are encouraged to send him a note of encouragement.
  • The Club is looking for a desk and chair for new Rotary office space. See Thais or Sean McIntyre if you have something to offer.
  • The Environmental Concerns Committee will again be helping with the River Call project that teaches fourth graders from Hills and Twain elementary schools about the Iowa River. The group seeks volunteers to assist on May 18 and 19 from 8:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. See Mel Schlachter or Dorothy Paul for details.
  • Thais shared that Usha Balakrishnan helped to pull together a group of 45 female Rotarians for a page in the Iowa Women’s Foundation’s new Ovation book.
  • The Iowa City Human Rights Youth awards this week included several kids with ties to our Iowa MOST project and the Xicotepec service trip.
  • Jody Braverman and Linda Farkas shared details of a raffle the club will hold to celebrate our 100th anniversary. A Toyota Highlander will be auctioned, with tickets going for $25 each or five for $100. Half the proceeds will benefit the club; the other half will be split among the Iowa City, Coralville and North Liberty libraries. Other prizes will be offered as well.
  • Wayne Neuzil, brother of member Terrence Neuzil, shared information about a concert he will hold on May 21 at Old Brick to celebrate his 60th birthday. He performed the song “Will You Remember (Sweethearts)” for the club.
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Josh Schamberger introduced guests Gordon Fisher (Brenda LaMarche), Sanjana Ragharan (Usha Balakrishnan), Wayne Neuzil (Terrence Neuzil), Jerry Forrester (Ron Reed), Katie Geiken (Art Nowak), Emily Schoerning (Jody Braverman). There were no visiting Rotarians.
New Member
Jerry Forrester (proposed by Ron Reed) was inducted into the club. Jerry came to the area in May 2012 to become president and CEO of the Steindler Orthopedic Clinic.
Thais Winkelblack, Jody Braverman, Maggie Elliott, Steve Schomberg, Barb Thomas, Pat Heiden, John Culshaw, Tim Walch, Gary Pacha, Ann Parker (Rotary Centennial Committee Meeting 5/7)
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; Greeters: May 21 – Carlin Parish and Kathleen Jacobs, May 28 – Don Koch and Adam Pretorius