Iowa City Noon Rotary

University of Iowa MBA program
Kelley Drowne introduced a group from the UI MBA program who shared details about the three facets of the program. Dave Deyak, assistant dean of the Full-Time MBA program shared numbers, including that 100 students are in the executive program (an accelerated version), while 800 are in the PM (professionals and managers, which meets in evenings and on weekends), and 120 in the full-time program. The latter has three tracks: finance, marketing, and, starting next fall, analytics. Then three students – one in each of the three versions of the program, spoke. Club member Adam Pretorius spoke about the executive program, while Kyle Wehr, a first year student, spoke about the full-time program. Jodi Schafer, a student in the PM program who currently works at CIVCO, spoke about her experience.
June 8 – Ronald McDonald House Golf Outing
Nov. 5 – Noon Rotary Centennial Celebration at the Iowa Memorial Union
Singing:  Bob Crane with Jim Conard on the piano led the singing of America the Beautiful and Rotary My Rotary.
  • Peter Wallace shared details about an effort to name the West High School auditorium after club member retiring Principal Jerry Arganbright. He circulated a petition that he hopes will earn enough signatures to show the school district that there is strong support for the idea.
  • Mel Schlachter shared that the Environmental Concerns Committee will again be helping with the River Call project that teaches fourth graders from Hills and Twain elementary schools about the Iowa River. The group seeks volunteers to assist on May 18 and 18 from 8:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. See Mel for details.
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Bryan Lawler introduced guests Andrea Lex, Tim Heistoffer and Sanjana Ragharan (Usha Balakrishnan), Scott Maiers (Brianna Wills), Karissa Wikert (Tita Coffman), Kay Weiler (Tony Weiler), Bruno Policeni, Terry McCallister, Ann Goff (Adam Pretorius), Abby Carpenter, Kyle Wehr, Dave Deyak, Cindy Meis, Jana Klawke, Kyle Sanford, Jody Schafer (Kelley Drowne), Paul Weller (Linda Farkas), Casey Kidwell (Steve Quigley)
There were no visiting Rotarians.
Mick Fletcher, Bart Floyd, Lynn Rowat, Susan Craig, Patty McCarthy, Eric Weiler, Linda Farkas, Thais Winkleblack, Jody Braverman (100th Anniversary celebration discussions on various dates); Mary Ellen Lewis, Kermit Sheker, LaDonna Wicklund, Usha Balakrishnan, Jody Braverman (Iowa City AM Rotary meeting); Jody Braverman (FAMSCO warehouse search)
Two new members were inducted into the club. Dr. Steven Lamer, who is affiliated with Genesis Hospital in Davenport (proposed by Graciela Coffman); and Erica Hach, District Manager of Junior Achievement (proposed by Curt Heidiman).
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; Greeters: May 14 – HD Hoover and Josh Schamberger, May 21 – Carlin Parish and Kathleen Jacobs, May 28 – Don Koch and Adam Pretorius