Summary of the Iowa City Noon Rotary Club Meeting on August 13, 2015
Posted by Kristin Reynolds
on Aug 14, 2015
New Member Induction –
Scott Maiers (Sponsor Brianna Wills)
John Lee (Sponsor Gary Pacha)
Emily Schoerning (Sponsor Jody Braverman)
Paul Weller (Sponsor Linda Farkas)
Iowa City Noon Rotary Awards – The following members were recognized by our club:
Bruce Kout Sponsor, Blue Level
Steve Quigley Sponsor, Bronze Level
Scott Enyart Paul Harris Fellow
Jeff Disterhoft Paul Harris Fellow +3
Tim Terry Paul Harris Fellow +3
Mike McKay Paul Harris Fellow +4
Steve West Paul Harris Fellow +8
Charlie Funk Paul Harris Fellow +8
Steve Quigley Sponsor, Bronze Level
Scott Enyart Paul Harris Fellow
Jeff Disterhoft Paul Harris Fellow +3
Tim Terry Paul Harris Fellow +3
Mike McKay Paul Harris Fellow +4
Steve West Paul Harris Fellow +8
Charlie Funk Paul Harris Fellow +8
District Governor Loring Miller, Rotary District 6000
District Governor, Loring Miller, is a third generation Rotarian. His grandfather founded the Rotary Club in Leon, Iowa where Loring and his wife Phyllis currently reside. The Millers are warm, generous and authentic and bring these wonderful characteristics to their 2015-2016 term. During the first 6 months of this Rotary year, the Miller’s plan to visit all 64 of the district’s clubs.
DG Miller’s message “Be a Gift to the World” resonated throughout his remarks at the meeting. He highlighted three areas of district goals: The Foundation, membership and youth service. He talked about how crucial all three of these are to the ongoing vibrancy of Rotary.
DG Miller’s message “Be a Gift to the World” resonated throughout his remarks at the meeting. He highlighted three areas of district goals: The Foundation, membership and youth service. He talked about how crucial all three of these are to the ongoing vibrancy of Rotary.
DG Miller also noted that he enjoyed meeting with the Club’s Board ahead of Rotary and noted that he is very impressed with our club’s involvement in aiding the community. He told members that he feels that the best community project in District 6000’s history was the “Operation Warm Coat” initiative. The district had 100% participation and Rotary was able to provide over 9,000 coats to needy children in our area.
Global grants are also a passion of Loring Miller’s. He was surprised to learn that 200,000 children are born annually with Clubfoot. This is the international focus for his year as District Governor and DG Miller is working to bring awareness to all of the clubs in District 6000 and encouraging all clubs to have a fundraising event this year for the RAG4Clubfoot to purchase braces. DG Miller would like to be able to give a box of braces to each doctor trained in the Ponseti Method. 100% of all of the money generated will go to help doctors get access to these braces. Sent BRACE contributions to:
Chet Bredman
401 SE 3rd Street
Leon, IA 50144
401 SE 3rd Street
Leon, IA 50144
To conclude the meeting, Loring Miller led us in the singing of the Four-Way Test.
For more information, visit
Oct. 1 – Joint Service Club Luncheon @ University Club
Nov. 5 – Noon Rotary Centennial Celebration at the Iowa Memorial Union
Singing: Bob Crane led the singing of America the Beautiful and Smile with Jim Conard on the piano.
President Thais had the following announcements:
- HUGE milestone for the End Polio Now Campaign: 1 year with no reported cases of polio in Africa.
- Our club is a sponsor of the “Get Moving for Health Kids” event which will take place on Sunday, August 30, 2015 at Iowa City West High. All proceeds benefit the Healthy Kids Community Care school-based health clinics. The early registration deadline is August 16. For more information, see Pete Wallace or visit
- Linda Farkas still needs volunteers for Fry Fest on September 4. Please see Linda for more details. Raffle tickets will be at the back bar at every meeting if members have questions, need to turn in money or require additional tickets. All members should consider signing up to sell raffle tickets during our Centennial Year to support our Club projects as well as our local libraries in Iowa City, Coralville and North Liberty! REV UP FOR ROTARY AND REV UP FOR READING!
For questions related to Club administration, please contact us at
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Mark Nolte introduced Visiting Rotarians Brian Adamec (Iowa City AM), Dimy Doresca (Bettendorf), Chris Knapp DGE (Iowa City AM), Vernette Knapp (Iowa City AM), Jacque Andrew PDG (Jefferson), Tomeka Petersen (West Liberty), John Ockenfels PDG (Iowa City AM), Deb Ockenfels (Iowa City AM), Jim Peterson (Iowa City AM), Phil Peterson (Iowa City AM) and Devin van Holsteijn (CR Metro North); as well as guests Scott Maiers (Brianna Wills), Emily Schoerning (Jody Braverman), Sanjana Raghavan and Uma Balakrishnan-University of Pittsburgh Student (Usha Balakrishnan); Travis Whitmore (Christina Kimerle).
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; Greeters: August 20 – Earle Murphy and John Dasher, August 27 – Joe Hughes and Linda Dasher and September 3 – Angela Villhauer and Sherry McKay.