Summary of the Iowa City Noon Rotary Meeting on April 14, 2016
Reminder: It is our policy to have all members silence their cell phones before the meeting and refrain from answering their cell phones during the meeting out of respect to the speaker and fellow members.
New Member Induction -
Taylor Artz
Classification: Financial Services: Planning
(Sponsor Casey Kidwell)
Julie Brinegar
Classification: Medicine: Administration
(Sponsor Jerald Forrester)
Jeremy Reynolds
Classification: Finance: Banking
(Sponsor President Thais Winkleblack)
Jennifer Van Noy
Classification: Medicine: Veterinary
(Sponsor Christina Kimerle)
Marten Roorda, CEO, ACT
Fellow Rotarian Nancy Quellhorst introduced Marten Roorda for today’s program on ACT.
Marten Roorda joined ACT as CEO in October 2015. He previously served as CEO of Cito, an international, not-for-profit assessment organization in the Netherlands. During his 13 years at Cito, Marten led the 600-employee organization to international recognition for its work in learning analytics and adaptive testing. Marten holds a master’s degree in Dutch language and literature from Utrecht University. He resides in Iowa City with his wife and five young children under the age of 7.
ACT was founded in 1959 by E.F. Linquist, a University of Iowa education professor, who launched the forerunner to the ACT assessment, now known as the ACT college readiness assessment. Lindquist broke new ground, focusing not on cognitive reasoning, but instead on the information taught in schools. Lindquist’s trailblazing assessment sparked a long history of ACT innovation which Marten plans to continue in his role at the company. Marten believes that the ACT mission aligns well with his personal mission – to improve the success of people in education and in the workforce. “I am constantly thinking about the ACT mission and what a difference we can really make in society, closing the skills and achievement gaps, and creating equal chances for all,” Marten said.
For more information, please visit:
Singing: Bob Crane led singing of America the Beautiful and Smile with Jim Conard on the piano.
Ride the Goat: The club heard from one goat rider, Chet Woodman.
President Thais had the following announcement:
As you may know, Brianna Wills son has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma. Linda Farkas and Bryan Lawler are collecting donations to purchase gift cards for the family to help out in this difficult time. Linda and Bryan will be at the door after today’s meeting to accept donations. Next week, Sean McIntyre and Kristin Reynolds will be at the door after the meeting to accommodate members who did not have cash on hand today. Please continue to keep the Wills family in your thoughts and prayers.
Bryan Lawler had the following announcement:
Please consider seeing “1776” presented by City Circle Acting Company which will run April 29 & 30 and May 1,6,7,8 at the Coralville Center for Performing Arts. The ultimate expression of a British Invasion is the rousing, funny, smart tale of the founding of our great nation. This award winning musical tells the story of John Adams, and his struggle to convince his colleagues to vote for independence and sign the declaration. For tickets or more information: call 319-248-9370 or visit:
Please forward any newsworthy items and/or photos to Casey Kidwell to include in the weekly presentation. You can send information to: or to: The pre-meeting PowerPoint is a great way to reach fellow Rotarians who may not be at the weekly meeting.
For questions related to Club administration, please contact us at
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Steve Quigley introduced guests Dan Bailey, Jeremy Reynolds & Andrea Wilson (Thais Winkleblack), Julia Wasson (Usha Balakrishnan), Julie Brinegar (Jerry Waddilove), Taylor Artz (Casey Kidwell), Marten Roorda (Nancy Quellhorst), Sara Sedlacek (Eric Weiler), Jenn Van Noy (Christina Kimerle), Richard Campagna (Joseph Dobrian).
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; April 21 – Mike Walsh and Sherry McKay, April 28 – John Culshaw and Brad Johnson, and May 5 – Scott Wilson and Greg Bell.