Summary of the Iowa City Noon Rotary Meeting on March 17, 2016
New Member Induction –
John Stamler
Classification: Medicine: Opthalmology
(Sponsor Jody Braverman)
Dr. Resmiye Oral, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and the Director of Child Protection Program at the University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine
Fellow Rotarian Art Spisak introduced Dr. Resmiye Oral for today’s program on the UI Adverse Childhood Experiences Program.
Dr. Oral was born in Izmir, Turkey, where she received her primary, high school, and college educations. She completed her Residency in Pediatrics at Long Island College Hospital, New York, NY and her Fellowship in Child Abuse and Neglect at Columbus Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH. Dr. Oral has several original articles, case presentations, review articles, book chapters, books, training kits, and course materials printed in both the English and Turkish languages. She gives 50-60 lectures a year nationally and internationally on child abuse and neglect and has received many awards and honors for her continued role in many programs regarding childhealth, child abuse, and neglect.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can last a lifetime, but they don’t have to. The first years of a child’s life can have a profound impact on future learning, behavior and overall well-being. The Central Iowa ACEs 360 Steering Committee has led efforts to research how childhood experiences (ACEs) impact the health and well-being of Iowans throughout a lifetime. The goal of this project is to increase awareness and understanding among the public, policymakers and professionals on the prevalence of ACEs, related chronic conditions and health risk behaviors in Iowa. Armed with this knowledge, we can begin to look at policy and practice changes that mitigate the impact of ACEs on children and build compassion for those who have experiences ACEs. Iowa is one of 19 states measuring ACE data.
As the number of ACEs increases so does the level of risk for health issues. Moving forward, we must ask “What happened to you?” not “What’s wrong with you?” Becoming trauma-informed is vital to understanding people and providing the appropriate services and support to those in need.
For more information, please visit:
March 24 Bruce Harreld, President, University of Iowa
March 31 Simeon Talley, 2016 Iowa Fashion Project
April 7 Ron Corbett, Engage Iowa
Singing: Bob Crane led singing of America the Beautiful and Oh Danny Boy with Jim Conard on the piano.
Ride the Goat: The club heard from two goat riders, Sally Scott and Devin van Holsteijn
President Thais had the following announcement:
The members all stood for a moment of silence for Long-time Rotarian, Haywood Belle.
Usha Balakrishnan had the following announcement:
Calling all women Rotarians who would like to be included in the Women in Rotary photograph in this year’s Ovation: A Tribute to Iowa Women and Girls. A $20 donation to The Iowa Women’s Foundation is required in order to be included in the photograph that will appear in the publication. Women are asked to meet in front of The University Club at 11:00 a.m. on March 24. For questions, please contact Usha at:
Gary Pacha had the following announcement:
Gary and Nancy Pacha were recently at Rotary World Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois to witness Herb & Janice Wilson and several of their family members induction into the Arch C. Klumph Society. The society recognizes donors who give at least $250,000 to The Rotary Foundation in support of Rotary’s life-changing work around the world. Herb provided wonderful remarks and firmly believes the world needs more Rotarians. Herb’s passion in Rotary is fueled by the 3 P’s (Polio Eradication, Peace in the World, and the Ponseti Method).
Jody Braveman had the following announcement:
Jody visited India in February as a Rotary participant in a Polio NID – National Immunization Day and shared a slide show with our members. If there is only one thing to value in his membership in Rotary, it’s the opportunity to be a partner in the worldwide eradication of polio. Like so many Rotarians, he has donated money every year to Rotary’s Polio Plus campaign. This year he got to actually give oral polio vaccine drops to children which proved to be an amazing experience.
Please forward any newsworthy items and/or photos to Casey Kidwell to include in the weekly presentation. You can send information to: or to: The pre-meeting PowerPoint is a great way to reach fellow Rotarians who may not be at the weekly meeting.
For questions related to Club administration, please contact us at
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Nancy Quellhorst introduced guests Paula Sanan (Usha Balakrishnan), Mary Ann Hendrickson (Herb Wilson), Katharine Marshall (Lynette Marshall), Travis Brockett (Christina Kimerle), John Stamler (Jody Braverman), Elyse Galles (Tom Cilek), Elise van Holsteijn (Devin van Holsteijn), Eleanor Dilkes (Maggie Mowery).
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; March 24 – Jerry Fleagle and Sarah Campbell, March 31 – Dave Siebert and Neil Quellhorst, and April 7 – Art Nowak and John Dasher.