Iowa City Noon Rotary

Marsha Grady, Volunteer State Chair of the Distinguished Young Women of Iowa:
The Distinguished Young Women of Iowa, formerly known as Iowa Young Miss, were guests at Rotary. 19 high school seniors were selected to compete in the state competition and have been working on a program to present at the Coralville Performing Arts Center on March 4th. Distinguished Young Women is a national program that offers college scholarships and “inspires high school girls to develop their full, individual potential through a fun, transformative experience that culminates in a celebratory showcase of their accomplishments.” Each of the young women have been staying with host families in the Iowa City area. Last year the Iowa chapter gave $2 million in cash scholarships providing educational opportunities for many.
Special Music:
Fellow Rotarian Doris Preucil and former Iowa City Noon Rotarian and current member of the Mt. Vernon/Lisbon Rotary Club John Schultz performed a duet by Shostakovich – Praeludium, Gavotte, and Waltz. They were accompanied by Barbara Michaelson.
DIY Rotary:
President Thais led the program this week. With a voluntary membership, it’s up to club members to share information through programs, the club web site, the weekly newsletter, and Facebook. Program Chair Tom Cilek gives preference to members’ requests for specific programs so if you have a suggestion please share with Tom. Casey Kidwell is in charge of the weekly power point/slide show that is emailed to you before meetings, and is shown at the club while members are arriving. Mike Schmitz is our web site guru and Co-Secretary Kristin Reynolds is responsible for the weekly newsletter. Contact these individuals as necessary. Thais encouraged members to ‘like us” on our Rotary Facebook page. Posting information and photos is a great way to share our story about the neat things we are doing throughout our community and the world.
Membership Secretary Sean McIntyre shared a new member proposal form that can be found on the club website. Hard copies are also available at club meetings. When proposing a new member, please fill out the form as completely as possible and return to Sean. The forms will be reviewed by the Membership Committee, then passed to the Classification Committee. Once through, they will be invited to attend an orientation meeting. Upon signing a membership form, their names are shared with the membership, and barring any issues, the new member will be scheduled for induction shortly thereafter.
President Thais quickly reviewed the procedure for logging on to the ‘members only’ section of the club web site. This is the area to access the club directory and committee listings amongst other things. You can easily reset your password at the login using the email address at which you receive this newsletter and other club communication.  If you have questions, please contact Thais or Mike Schmitz.
President Thais noted that the club is looking for a Greeter Coordinator and a piano player to assist with music. We’re also looking for individuals to be a part of the web site/social media committee. If interested, please contact Thais.
Singing:  Bob Crane led singing of America the Beautiful and Smile with Maggie Mowery on the piano.
3 New Member Inductions: Barbara Werning-Dee (sponsored by Bruce Kout), Dawn Oliver Wiand (sponsored by LaShonda Kennedy), and Jody Thomas (sponsored by Sherry McKay).
Ride the Goat: The club heard from two goat riders, Paul Weller and Dotti Maher.
President Thais had the following announcements:
Brianna Wills son has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma. Please keep the Wills family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Pete Wallace has tickets available for a fund raiser that will support Iowa MOST. The program will be held on Sunday, March 6th at West High. The Interact Clubs at West High and City High will be providing special talents for the show.
A special thank you to Tom Markus for his leadership as Iowa City City Manager. Tom has taken a similar position with the city of Lawrence, KS, and we wish him well.
Bill Olin will be celebrating his 92nd birthday on Monday, March 7th. Send a card and wish him well!
New applications for the 2016-2017 Outbound Rotary Scholarship are now available at  Our club will award two scholarships of $2,500 each for international study during the 2016-17 academic year.  If the recipient is enrolled at the University of Iowa, additional funds may be available through the Allin Dakin fund.  Applications must be submitted by April 15, 2016. Questions regarding the Outbound Scholarships may be directed to Gene Wandling  at
For any questions related to Club administration, please contact us at
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Jerry Forrester introduced Visiting Rotarians John Schultz (Mt. Vernon/Lisbon) and Amy Nicholsen (IC AM) as well as guests John Casko (Benny Hawkins/Jerry Hilgenberg), Bill Preucil and Barbara Michaelson (Doris Preucil), Tom Banta (Neil Quellhorst), Julie Brinegar (Jerry Forrester), Katharine Marshall (Lynette Marshall), Travis Brockett (Christina Kimerle), and Barbara Werning-Dee (Bruce Kout).
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; Greeters: March 10 – Brad Baldes and Nat Beebe, March 17 – Barbara Thomas and Tom Cook.