Iowa City Noon Rotary

New Member Induction –
Patricia Smith
Classification: Social Services: Salvation Army
(Sponsor Tom Cilek)
Katharine Marshall
Classification: Foundation: University Foundation
(Sponsor Lynette Marshall)
Steve Dolezal, Chief Deputy, and Jessica Peckover, Jail Alternatives Coordinator, Johnson County Sheriff’s Office
President Thais introduced Steve Dolezal and Jessica Peckover for today’s program on Crisis Intervention Team Training.
Johnson County officials have been hard at work trying to find alternatives to the Johnson County Jail while giving their officers the tools to deal with people who are suffering from mental health and substance abuse issues. Instead of putting these individuals in jail they are looking at alternative solutions for these people who need special treatment but do not belong in our criminal justice system.
Options are limited with mental illness calls but jail or the emergency room are not the best place to provide service to affected individuals. Johnson County has worked to keep those with mental illness out of jail for nine years. It has a program that identifies mental illness in those who have been arrested and directs them to the proper care. Most officers receive no training for dealing with a person with a mental illness, and there has not been a lot of collaboration with other service providers. Johnson County took tips from a successful CIT program in San Antonio, Texas. By sending deputies and other city officials to CIT, the department wanted to find a way to address the core issues. The 40 hour course helps officers learn to deal with these situations in a non-violent way while saving time and taxpayer money. CIT trained officers are dispatched in plain clothes to calmly talk to the individual, to de-escalate the situation, and to refer them to the appropriate services in the community. Plans are being made for a local campus style option to help address issues related to mental health and substance abuse. Services could include: residential detoxification, a sober unit, a low barrier shelter, outpatient substance abuse treatment program, counseling services and an in-house recovery program.
National CIT statistics show the number of officer injuries and hands on incidents have gone down after law enforcement members have gone through this training. March 20, 2017 will mark the first CIT Training Program to be held in Johnson County. The goal is ultimately to serve citizens better—addressing the root problems, collaborating with other agencies and lowering the cost of each response—and to keep the officers and the community safe.
Singing:  Bob Crane led singing of America the Beautiful and Smile with Jim Conard on the piano.
Ride the Goat: The club heard from one goat rider, Deb Kacmarynski.
Don Carstensen had the following flag presentation:
Fellow Rotarian Don Carstensen presented a Rotary flag from the Manzanillo Mexico Rotary Club at today’s meeting. Manzanillo is known as the “Sail Fishing Capital of the World”. Since the city is located on the Pacific Ocean and contains Mexico’s busiest port it is a melting pot of Rotarians from around the world. Don also brought back a flag from E-Club Canada One which was founded in 2013 and has been dubbed “Rotary on Demand; When you Want, Where you Want”.
Please forward any newsworthy items and/or photos to Casey Kidwell to include in the weekly presentation. You can send information to: or to: The pre-meeting PowerPoint is a great way to reach fellow Rotarians who may not be at the weekly meeting. 
For questions related to Club administration, please contact us at
Reminder: It is our policy to have all members silence their cell phones before the meeting and refrain from answering their cell phones during the meeting out of respect to the speaker and fellow members.
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Paul Pressler introduced Visiting Rotarian Leighton Smith (Cedar Rapids Downtown) as well as guests Dorothy Meng (Theresa Schaefer & Aaron Schaefer), Trisha Smith (Tom Cilek), Ronald Ettinger (Art Nowak),  Richard Campagna (Joseph Dobrian), Katharine Marshall (Lynette Marshall), Justin Thomas (Barb Thomas), Caleb Wilson (Joe Hughes).
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; May 19 – David Davis and Janice Baldes, May 26 – Anna Moyers Stone and John Bay, and June 2 – Aaron Schaefer and Susan Brennan.