Iowa City Noon Rotary

Charlie Funk & Susan Brennan, Run for Schools
Charlie Funk discussed his love of running and reported that he has qualified and run the Boston Marathon (the pinnacle of marathons) four times. Charlie, an engaged community banker, was able to combine his two passions (education and running) to help raise funds for local schools and improve our community. MidWestOne became the title sponsor in 2001 and has remained the title sponsor since that time. $500,000 has been given to the Iowa City Community School District and the Regina Catholic Education Center over the history of this annual race.
Charlie introduced Susan Brennan, Executive Director of the Iowa City Community School District Foundation, who shared race photos, an inspiring video and an overview of the race. The race will take place this Sunday, October 18 starting at 8:00 a.m. This “cool community event” hosts ½ mile, 1 mile, 5K, 10K and half marathon races. There are 13,000 kids across 25 buildings in the district. The money raised from the event helps to fund and support field trips outside the classroom to give students hands on experiences through showing and doing.
For more information on the race visit:
For more information on the ICCSD Foundation or to make a donation visit:
Nov. 5 – Noon Rotary Centennial Celebration at the Iowa Memorial Union at 6 p.m.
Singing:  Bob Crane led the singing of America the Beautiful and Smile with Jim Conard on the piano.
Rotary Moment: Casey Kidwell on engaged Rotarian Ray Muston. Ray’s advice: Get involved! Get in in the trenches! You get out what you put in! Talking about service projects is great, but seeing the outcomes of your labor first hand changes everything.
President Thais had the following announcements:
RYLA: Brian Adamec from the Iowa City AM Club is here to remind members that their club’s fundraising efforts through Select Fundraising to send more high school students to RYLA is continuing with the sale of gourmet nuts, chocolates and popcorn. Brian had samples and order forms on hand after the meeting.
Raffle Corner: Please buy or help sell Raffle Tickets. The net proceeds support our Club’s projects as well as the three public libraries in our area. The raffle corner will be at the back bar after every meeting if members have questions, need to turn in money or require additional tickets. There are a lot of outstanding tickets so please remember to finish selling your tickets and turn them in at a Rotary meeting before November 5.
World Polio Online Event – Viewing in Iowa City: Rotarians and guests are are encouraged to join an online live streaming event on Friday, October 23 at 5:30 p.m. in the McAuley 1 room at Mercy Medical Plaza, 540 Jefferson St. Please RSVP to Margaret Reese at:
It is easy to share the link on social media:
Polio Update: Herb Wilson gave President Thais the following statistics concerning Rotary’s commitment to eradicate polio. Last year, there were 186 cases reported in Pakistan, 10 in Afghanistan and 5 in Somalia. Year to date 2015, there were 36 reported cases in Pakistan, 12 in Afghanistan and O in Somalia. The African continent will not be declared polio free until there have been no reported polio cases for three years.
Ann Parker had the following announcement:
Noon Rotary Centennial Celebration: Members should have received an invitation in a yellow envelope for the 100th celebration in the mail. Please remember to RSVP for this very special event. The celebration will kick-off at 6:00 p.m. with entertainment by the City High School Jazz Band. We will have an opportunity to tell our story and present what we have done for others for over 100 years! Questions? Please contact Ann Parker at
Josh Schamberger had the following announcement:
Raffle Ticket Update: There are 2,000 outstanding tickets so please remember to finish selling your tickets and turn them in at a Rotary meeting by October 29. The money collected will support the three local libraries and our local projects.  
Jody Braverman had the following announcement:
Operation Warm Coats Project: The project is underway to provide new winter coasts to children in our communities. Please contact Casey Kidwell with any questions at:
Membership and Every Rotarian Every Year dues need to be paid as soon as possible. Payments were due July 1st – we want all members in good standing. Contact Steve Quigley with questions at: .
For questions related to Club administration, please contact us at
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Renda Greene-Fishman introduced Visiting Rotarians Brian Adamec (Iowa City AM) and Chet Woodman (Chagrin Valley District 6630), as well as guests Chris Nicknish & Amy Hospodarsky (Thais Winkleblack), Ethan Holmes (Verne Folkmann), Dr. Kermiche Houda & Dr. Xuan Yang (Tom Cook), Barbara Werning-Dee (Bruce Kout), Bill Preucil (Doris Preucil), Rachel Gomez & Scott Hoban (Jody Braverman).
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; Greeters: October 22 – Karen DeGroot and Cindy Crider, October 29 – Joseph Dobrian and Scott Enyart, November 5 – Ron Zieglowsky and Ryan Heiar.