Iowa City Noon Rotary

Our Meeting was called to order by President Elect Margaret Reese
America the Beautiful and Happy Birthday were sung by Rtn. Bob Crane with Rtn. Devin van Holsteijn on the keyboard.
Rtn. Margaret Reese announced the results of the recent Board of Directors Election – Aaron Schaefer, Heather Croskrey, and Bruce Guither. She also reminded the club that a comprehensive Rotarian survey will be released in January.
Rtn. Margaret Reese announced that Eric Johnson, who was supposed to be inducted into the club today, unfortunately lost his younger brother unexpectedly and is attending funeral services this week. Please keep his family in your thoughts.
Rtn. Joe Hughes announced that the club will be ringing the Salvation Army bell on Friday, December 16 at Fareway and Saturday, December 17 at N. Dodge HyVee. Rotarians and families are welcome to volunteer.
Rtn. Barb Thomas updated the club on her health concerns. Her cancer treatment was successful, and she has been declared cancer free!
Rtn. Barb Thomas invited club members to join her in sponsoring local families through United Way’s Holiday Adopt A Family gift drive.
Rtn. John Gross announced the annual Toys for Tots toy collection for Salvation Army. Cash donations will be accepted next week and the week following. Toys will be purchased from the Iowa Children’s Museum at a steep discount.
Rtn. Mark Priest announced that the Rotary Kerber-Brown Heartsafe committee met last night for updates and a presentation. This week is Heart Safe Week in Johnson County and this month has been designated as Human Rights Month in Johnson County.
Rtn. Trisha Smith introduced today’s speakers Barbara McFadden and Tom Rocklin, co-chairs of the 2022-23 United Way Campaign.
Barb and Tom gave background information on their professional lives and personal lives.
The campaign goal is to raise $2.2 million and they anticipate needing 3,300 donors to reach this goal.
The Club participated in a Family Feud-style education opportunity about United Way. 
The meeting ended at 1:00 PM as President Elect Margaret Reece led the assembly in reciting The Four Way Test.
Visiting Rotarians: Mark Ruggeberg (IC Downtown)
Guests: Jennifer Banta (Trisha Smith), Terri Anderson (Trisha Smith), Tom Rocklin (Trisha Smith), Barbara McFadden (Trisha Smith), Amy Christof-Brown (Trisha Smith)
Program: Devin van Holsteijn; Attendance: Nancy Droll
The following individuals have been proposed for membership, completed Orientation and have applied for Membership in our Club. Current members have 10 days to express any concerns in writing to your Rotary Board.  
Please forward any newsworthy items and/or photos to Janice Baldes to include in the weekly slide decks emailed to members prior to each meeting and shown just before Rotary meetings at the Club. You can send information to: Janice Baldes
For questions related to Club administration, please contact us at