Our Meeting was called to order by President Ryan Bell.
The attendees sang “America the Beautiful”, led by Rtn. Bob Crane accompanied by Rtn. Devin van Holsteijn on the keyboard. These two are really getting good.
President Ryan Bell announced the names of members who have stepped forward for the upcoming Club Board elections. Stay tuned for additional information as the election draws nigh. November birthdays were toasted with the traditional rendition of “Happy Birthday”.
Rtn. Verne Folkman presented the Paul Harris Level 7 award to Rtn. Jim Lane.
Rtn. Steve Schaumberg called for volunteers for the annual Adopt-a-Highway clean up at 10am on Nov. 19th at Nursery Lane (1 mile south of Terry Trueblood, off Sand Road) for a roadside clean-up. Volunteers should park along Nursery Lane.
Rtn. Kelli Drowne solicited donations in support of the RYLA and WAS programs.
Visiting Rtn. Mark Ruggeberg (IC/Dtn) announced an upcoming fundraiser for the Free Medical Clinic to equip with solar panels.
New Member Induction: Tom Davies, with a brief sketch of his bio and background by Ryan.
Rtn. Devin van Holsteijn introduced today’s speaker, Gary Streit, representing the American Cancer Society (ACS).
Gary, a cancer survivor himself, spoke from the heart and gave a brief history of the ACS. Though the Society was founded in 1913, its roots date to 1887, when a group of New York society matrons began work to de-stigmatize the disease and assist cancer sufferers. The group founded an early hospital for cancer patients, the forerunner of today’s Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute.
The ACS, initially known as “The Women’s Field Army”, began fundraising shortly after it’s founding. Life-to-date, the organization has raised $5-billion for patient support and service, research, and advocacy. It has grown to an organization of 2,500 employees with a $600-million budget, 80% of which goes to research funding.
Today’s ACS remains faithful to its initial goals: patient support, research and advocacy. The Society now funds organizations like Hope Lodge at the UofI, broad-based research at 179 institutions, and a 501-C4 non-profit to advocate for legal limitations to inhibit the incidence of cancer-causing activities.
The meeting ended with President Ryan Bell leading the assembly in reciting The Four Way Test.
Visiting Rotarians: Mark Ruggeberg (IC/Dtn) , Nancy Pacha (IC/AM), Milburn Stone (Dodge City/Long Branch), Wayne Steer (West Liberty), and DG Steve Wieneke and wife, Brenda (Ankeny Satellite).
Guests: Mark Thall (LaDonna Wicklund); Jordan Shala, Qemal Balliu, and Todd Jacobus, and Rina Musa (Steve Wieneke); visitor Todd Jacobus gave a shout-out to six visitors from Kosovo, participants in the U.S. State Dept. exchange program, in turn; Jim Jackson (Heather Croskrey); Jim Mason (Jim Merchant); and Ross Taylor (Verne Folkmann).
The following individuals have been proposed for membership, completed Orientation and have applied for Membership in our Club. Current members have 10 days to express any concerns in writing to your Rotary Board. YOU DO NOT NEED RESPOND IF YOU APPROVE of this new member proposal.
Eric Johnson, Rotary Classification is Arts & Entertainment: Director. Eric is Development Director for the “Summer of the Arts” in Iowa City. Proposed by Eric Weiler.
Kim Bergen-Jackson, Rotary Classification is Senior Living: Administration. She is the Administrator at Oaknoll. Proposed by Ann Parker.
Program: Devin van Holsteijn; Attendance: Nancy Droll
Please forward any newsworthy items and/or photos to Janice Baldes to include in the weekly slide decks emailed to members prior to each meeting and shown just before Rotary meetings at the Club. You can send information to: Janice Baldes janicebaldes@gmail.com
For questions related to Club administration, please contact us at secretary@iowacitynoonrotary.org.