Iowa City Noon Rotary

Take a look at our Club’s sharp looking 100th Anniversary logo on the top of the bulletin and on our website homepage.  Rotarian Robyn Hepker donated her time and talent to create the logo to help us celebrate our 100th year.  Thank you, Robyn!  
John Weih on the Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa
Eric Weiler introduced speaker John Weih, director of the Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa. The center will open this fall on the UI Research Park, and will serve high school students with accelerated and trade-related programming that provides college credit. This is in addition to the existing Iowa City campus for Kirkwood Community College. Weih said that new job demands, community sustainability, expanded programming opportunities, local industry partnerships and tuition savings all are reasons to open the center. This is Kirkwood’s fourth such center, after centers in Jones, Linn, and Washington counties. About 350 students have signed up for the fall, selecting one of more than a dozen “career academy” courses. Students are drawn from the Iowa City, Clear Creek Amana, Regina, Solon, Tipton, and West Branch districts. For more information visit
June 28 -- FAMSCO workday is scheduled beginning at noon to sort and load supplies as the
                 current warehouse space needs to be vacated.
Nov. 5 – Noon Rotary Centennial Celebration at the Iowa Memorial Union
Singing:  Bob Crane a capella led the singing of America the Beautiful.
Jody Braverman encouraged every Rotarian to sell raffle tickets for a 2015 Toyota Highlander SUV to support the celebration of the Iowa City Noon Rotary 100th anniversary. Raffle tickets are $25 each or 5 for $100. Net proceeds will benefit the Coralville Public Library, the Iowa City Public Library, the North Liberty Community Library, and   projects/programs of Iowa City Noon Rotary. The car will be at several events over the summer, including North Liberty Blues and BBQ on July 11. Volunteers are needed to staff between 2-4 and 4-6. Please contact Jody Braverman for additional details – (319) 631-0416 or
President Bruce shared that notices for dues have been sent and encouraged members to pay them promptly.
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Angie Villhauer introduced Visiting Rotarian Kathy Hall (Cedar Rapids Downtown), as well as guests Gregorio Sanchez Cortes (Christine Caley), Emily Schoeming (Jody Braverman), Scott Maiers (Brianna Wills), Tom Bergerson (Bruce Teague), Casey Kidwell (Steve Quigley), and Laura Machlab (Hass Machlab).
MAKE UPS:  Gary Pacha, Dick Kennedy, Arleigh Clemens, Jody Braverman (Rotary District 6000 FAMSCO work day), Jody Braverman (Rotary District 6000 HEF/FAMSCO board meeting – June 22)
Program: Tom Cilek; Attendance: Nancy Droll; Greeters: June 18 – Pat Collins and Angela Villhauer, June 25 – Brad Baldes and Sean McIntryre, July 2 -- Bud Strub and Kathleen Jacobs, July 9 -- Dave Siebert and Adam Pretorius, July 16 -- Jerry Waddilove and Robert Cargill, July 23 -- Nancy Droll and Shawn Wax, and July 30 -- Patrick Donnelly and Tom Cook